We provide access to a wide variety of environmental (exposure) data directly linked, extracted or aggregated to different administrative scale levels. The list of currently available variables can be found below. This list is continuously being updated. For information on recent changes or additions click here. For an overview of the original and derived geodata underlying the listed variables click here.
Please download and read the GECCO data access and publication policy first, and then send
the completed GECCO Data Access Request Form to j.lakerveld@amsterdamumc.nl.
Click on the hyperlinks under the THEME column in the table to download the meta-data form.
Superscripted letters indicate the format of available data: T= Table data / G= GIS data / GT= GIS AND table
The colors in the SPATIAL SCALE column indicate the detail level of the geodata.
The legend shows the spatial correspondence between the levels of geodata detail and cohort / administrative scale. However, it is always possible to link less detailed geodata to higher
administrative scale levels or aggregate detailed geodata to lower administrative scale levels. THIS TABLE IS CURRENTLY BEING UPDATED (MARCH 2025), INFORMATION CAN
Address / 5 - 25 m |
PC6 / 100 m |
PC4 - neighborhood |
/ 1000 m |
Air pollution (Escape)T |
Address, PC6, PC4, NBH / 5x5 meter grid |
2009 |
Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), European Study of Cohort for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE)
Annual average outdoor air pollution concentrations (NO2, NOx, PM2.5, PM10, PM2.5 absorbance and oxidative potential (OP) of PM - esr/dtt). See Schmitz et al., 2019 for details. |
Air pollutionGT
Address, PC6, PC4 / 25x25 meter grid
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (NO2 not for 2013) |
Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Atlas Leefomgeving (ALO), http://www.atlasleefomgeving.nl
Annual average outdoor pollution concentrations modeled / interpolated on the basis of measurement data, traffic data and the physical environment. All data can be viewed in https://www.atlasleefomgeving.nl/kaarten |
Air pollution GCNGT
Address, PC6, PC4 / 1x1 km grid
2010 (CO) 2010 (COP98) 2007-2023 (PM2.5) 1995-2023 (PM10) 2011-2023 (NH3) 1995-2023 (NO2) 2011-2023 (NOx) 2011-2023 (O3) 2011-2023 (SOOT – EC) 2011-2023 (SO2) |
Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). GCN large scaled concentration and deposition maps
Annual average outdoor pollution concentrations based on a combination of model calculations and measurements from official measurement locations. SOOT (EC) maps must be seen as indicative only.
Apart from ‘benzeen’ (C6H6) and ‘carbon monoxide’ (CO) modeled future concentrations of all variables are available for the years 2025 and 2030. |
AccessibilityGT as distance to highway exits/entrances and public transport stops (long distance) |
PC6, PC4 / 25x25 meter grid |
2010, 2012, 2019, 2021
2009/2010, 2012, 2018/2019 |
TOP10 NL/Kadaster
Prorail/ESRI, Rijks Universiteit Groningen |
Euclidean distance to highway exits/entrances. Euclidean distance to long distance transport stops (train, metro) and for 2018 as well to ferries. |
AccessibilityT to jobs, population, green spaces by car and railway |
PC4 |
1998 till 2003 (yearly), 2005 |
ABF Research (SWING Vastgoedmonitor
Data on accessibility (e.g., number of jobs and green spaces that can be reached via the road or by train within a certain time (15, 30, 45, 60 minutes) |
Accessibility of populationT by car and bike |
PC4 |
2013 |
ABF Research (Real Estate Monitor 2015)
Data on accessibility of population and households (e.g., number of individuals and households that can be reached by bike or by car within a certain time (15, 30, 45, 60 minutes) |
Accessibility as travel time to greenspace, jobs, retail area, inhabitants, dwellings and utility |
PC6, PC4 / 100x100 meter grid |
2018/2020 |
SPINlab-VU |
Accessibility variables expressed as average traveltime by car in seconds over the Openstreetmap road network in 2018 or 2020 to 9 different variables: · 1 / 10 hectare of greenspace on the basis of BGT January 2019 (roads 2018) · 10.000 / 100.000 jobs from the ‘LISA’ database 2018 (roads 2020) · 10.000 / 100.000 m2 retail store surface in 2018 on the basis of the ‘BAG’ on Januari 1st 2018 (roads 2018) · 100.000 inhabitants on the basis of ‘CBS 100 m vierkantstatistieken’ January 1st 2017 (roads 2018) · 100.000 dwellings on the basis of the ‘BAG’ on Januari 1st 2018 (roads 2018) · 100.000 m2 utility functions (education, office, healthcare) on the basis of the ‘BAG’ on January 1st 2018 (roads 2018)
Altitude |
Raster 50cm – 25m |
Ca. 2000 (AHN 1) Ca. 2010 (AHN 2) Ca. 2018 (AHN 3) Ca. 2021 (AHN 4) |
Cooperation of provinces, central
Altitude at address level or aggregated level can be produced by Gecco on request based on the AHN altitude map of the Netherlands. The AHN is a raster product available on different horizontal scale levels ranging from 25 meter resolution (AHN-1) to 50 cm resolution (AHN-3/4) |
(circle radii 500, 1000, 1500 meter) |
Address, PC6, PC4, neighborhood / vector - line
2019 |
Landelijk Fietsplatform, Kadaster
This dataset combines bicycle paths from two lines sources (TOP10 and Landelijk fietsplatform) and one polygon input source (BGT). Bicycle path lenGTh density is calculated for 3 circular neighborhoods with radii of 500, 1000 and 1500 meters with line density analysis for different administrative levels. |
Blue space density GT |
PC6, PC4 / 25x25 meter grid |
2017 / 2020 |
CBS soilstatistics (2017) |
Blue space density as area percentage is calculated for 3 circular neighborhoods meters with radii of 500, 1000 and 1500 meter and is based on a combination of all water classes in respectively the CBS soilstatistics (2017) and TOP10 (2020). |
PC4 |
2011 till 2015 (yearly) |
National Childcare and
Playgroup Register |
Data on a range of childcare facilities (e.g., number of KDV’s, BSO’s and playgroups) |
PC4 |
2001 till 2007 (yearly) |
Museum Association (SWING Vastgoed-
monitor 2007) Netherlands Theatre Institute (SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007) Dutch Federation
for Cinematography (SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007) Adresdata / ABF Research
(Real Estate Monitor 2015) |
Data on a range of cultural facilities (e.g., number of museums, theatres, poppodia and cinema’s) |
PC4 |
1996 till 2007 (yearly) |
Centrale Financiën Instellingen
(CFI) (SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007) |
Data on educational facilities (e.g., number of educational facilities and number of students stratified for educational level, sex, and age) |
Address locations / table
Opening and closure years from 1997 onwards |
Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) / Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Geodatasource: DUO - Open onderwijsdata |
The data files from DUO contain location data and other data of schools and students in the special primary, secondary and higher education. More specific it includes (among others) the school addresses, school opening / closure years and from 2019 onwards, the number of students stratified for educational level, sex, and age and the average distances between PC4 addresses of students and PC6 addresses of corresponding schools.
Note these address based tables still need several geoprocessing steps for the creation of usable geographical variables. |
Food environment (grouped categories) GT (kernel densities with circular radii of 500, 1000 and 1500 m)
Address, PC6 / vector - point
2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022*, 2023*, 2024*
Densities for other radii or years between 2004 and 2018 can be made on request |
This dataset contains the kernel density of different aggregated groups of food retailers (local food shops, fast food restaurants, food delivery, restaurants, supermarkets, small grocery/convenience stores and all other food retailers) within different circular kernel radii of 500, 1000 and 1500 meter. |
Food environment healthiness-index (kernel densities with circular radii of 500, 1000, 3000 and 5000 m)
Address, PC6 / vector - point
2004*, 2006, 2008*, 2010, 2012, 2014*, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022*, 2023*, 2024* * with additional radii of 3000 and 5000 m. Densities for other radii or years between 2004 and 2018 can be made on request
*Source data available, creation derived variables is planned asap |
Kernel density of the total health score of food retailers within different circular kernel radii of 500, 1000, 3000 and 5000 meter, according to the calculated food environment healthiness index (FEHI) for each retailer. The FEHI Index has values between -5 and + 5 according to the FEHI score list developed by Maartje Poelman (Timmermans et al., 2018). |
Neighborhood |
2016 |
Index score (food environment healthiness index) between -5 and + 5 according to FEHI score list by Poelman et al., 2018. The data is aggregated to neighbourhoods using point density kernels to prevent MAUP (Modifiable Areal Unit Problem) issue. |
Footpath and sidewalk network densityGT |
Neighborhood / 1:10.000 (vector - line) |
2023 / 2019 |
OpenStreetMap footpath network
Sidewalk density 2019 (BGT) |
Density of footpath lenGTh per hectare based on the OpenStreetMap footpath network in 2023 including walkable connecting roads without sidewalks.
Density of sidewalk area per hectare based on the BGT sidewalk area in 2019 (component of the walkability index). This dataset lacks the connecting roads without sidewalks. |
Green spaceG |
Address, PC6 / 10x10 meter grid 5x5 meter grid |
2017, 2022 |
Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Atlas Leefomgeving (ALO), http://www.atlasleefomgeving.nl |
Different datasets related to green space were assembled by the RIVM on a 10x10 meter (2017) and 5x5 meter (2022) resolution expressed as percentage green, trees, shrubs or low vegetation (2017) or presence of agricultural, natural or other greenspace (2022) per grid cell and is derived from the AHN2 and AHN3 files (“Actueel HooGTebestand Nederland”, resolution of 0.5 m), the BAG buildings (“Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen”) and the Infrared aerial photo (CIR file, resolution of 0.25 m). |
(component walkability index) |
Address, PC6, PC4, 25 m raster and neighborhood
1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2020*
*Source data available, creation derived variables is planned asap |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Greenspace density as Z-scores or as raw values based on CBS soilstatistics (BBG bodemgebruiksbestanden). This is a component of the Gecco walkability index. The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
PC4 |
2003-2007 (yearly) |
Establishments and beds in healthcare
Data on health care facilities (e.g., number of several specific health care facilities) |
House transactions and average house pricesT
PC4 |
2000 till 2015 (yearly)
Kadaster (Real Estate Monitor 2015)
Data on transactions and average house prices (e.g., number of transactions stratified for house type, and average house price stratified for house type) |
House prices / average property value T
PC6 / 100m vks |
2004, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
On a PC6 level WOZ based house prices are available for the years 2004, 2008, 2012, 2014 and from 2016 to 2023 (PC6 and 100 meter vierkantstatistieken CBS). For some years (2012, 2012) a WOZ class from 10 classes is given instead of an average value. |
PC4 |
1998 till 2006 (yearly) |
Belastingdienst (SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007)
Data on housing benefits (e.g., data on recipients and height/sum of housing benefits) |
PC4 |
1998 till 2007 (yearly) |
ABF Research (SYSWOV 2007)
Data on housing stock. (e.g., number of owner-occupied and rental housing, social rent, and housing stock stratified for house type) |
PC4 |
2009, 2012 |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Data on income (e.g., disposable income, capital and households in PC4 areas) |
100x100 m. |
2011 till 2021 (yearly) 2000 till 2010 |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) |
The CBS dataset vierkantstatistieken 100x100 meter contains basic statistics on number of inhabitants, dwellings, residential density and urbanity for all years and additional statistics from 2011 onwards including densities of and distances to several destination types. Number of available variables in postcode 4 and 6 areas depends of exact year. For older years from 2000 onwards some of the variables are only available on a 500x500 meter level, see e.g. urbanity in this list. |
PC6 |
2004, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2020 (yearly) |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) |
Data on key figures (e.g., demographics, income, immigrants, housing stock)
PC4 |
1998 till 2020 (yearly) |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Data on key figures (sex and age of inhabitants, household composition, % immigrants) with additional statistics from 2015 onwards |
Land use proportionGT -Residential area
-Commercial area -Greenspace/Recreational area (circle radii 500, 1000, 1500 meter) |
PC6, PC4 / 1:10.000 (vector - poly)
2017 |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS).
Areal proportion of different aggregated land use categories in circular neighborhoods with radii of 500, 1000 and 1650 meters. |
Land use mix / entropy indexGT (component walkability index) |
Address, PC6, PC4, 25 m raster and neighborhood
1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2020*
*Source data available, creation derived variables is planned asap |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Land use mix or entropy index as Z-scores or as raw values based on CBS soilstatistics (BBG bodemgebruiksbestanden). This is a component of the Gecco walkability index. The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
PC4 |
1996 till 2003 (yearly) |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Data on land use (e.g. hectares/percentages of urban/rural land use, green spaces, forests, parks, traffic, public facilities, recreational areas, etc) |
Light emission at night GT |
PC6 (300 m raster) |
2006 (DMSP OLS F16) 2012 (VIIRS) 2015 (VIIRS) 2018 (VIIRS) |
Earth Observations Group (EOG) at NOAA/NCEI via direct data request atlasleefomgeving.nl / RIVM / Netherlands
The 2006 dataset (700 m res.) originates from satellite number F16 from the DMSP-OLS program and is not directly comparable to the VIIRS datasets from 2012 onwards. The 2012-2018 datasets VIIRS Cloud Mask, Version 1 Nighttime Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band (DNB) composites are annual composites (300 m res.) expressing light emission in 10-10 Watt per cm2 per steradian. |
LivabilityT |
100x100 m, PC4, neighbourhood |
19981 2002, 2008, 20101, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022
1only for Leefbaarometer 1.0 |
Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Data on livability (Livability scores in the Leefbaarometer 2.0 are based on ca. 100 factors on population, social cohesion, public space, safety, level of resources, and housing that are aggregated circular buffers around the central postcode 6 areas).
The score is divided in 9 livability classes from 1 (very insufficient) to 9 (excellent). A detailed description of the development of this instrument can be found here.
The years 1998 and 2010 are only available from the previous Leefbaarometer 1.0 with a different indicator set and scores cannot be compared directly to the new version. |
PC4 |
2006, 2015 |
ABF Research (SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007)
Data on area types (e.g., center - urban, outside center, green-urban) |
Neighbourhood characteristicsG
1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Data on neighbourhood characteristics. This concerns data on for example urbanization, population, living, energy consumption, education, labor, income, social security, businesses, motor vehicles, area, land use, average distance to specific facilities / and average number of specific facilities within dedicated travel distances (calculated over the road network) from residence addresses per neighbourhood (available from 2008 onwards). We have also neighborhood maps of 1988, 1993 and 1994, but these lack statistical data. |
Noise railways 2016G |
Address, PC6 |
2016 |
Ministery of I&W
Data only available for ‘hoofdspoornet’ (main railway system) for day and night (noise in Lden) |
Noise Schiphol airport 2016G |
Address, PC6 |
2016 (measurement period |
Ministery of I&W
Separate data available for day and night (noise in Lden) |
Noise traffic - daily mean (mixed road, rail and air)T
Address, PC6, PC4 |
2000, 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2008 |
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Modeled data with Empara noise tool with 25x25 m resolution on traffic noise (mixed road, rail and air traffic noise in dB) in 2000, 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2008. |
Noise mixed cumulative yearly average from roads, rail, air, industry and wind turbines GT |
Address, PC6 |
2011 / 2017 and 2016-2020) |
Atlasleefomgeving.nl / RIVM
(direct request) |
Calculated with the standard method (RMV2012) using the following sources: -mixed road data from 2011 / 2017 -rail traffic data from 2011 / 2016 -aviation data from 2011 / 2016 -industry data from 2008 / index numbers -wind turbines data from 2012 / 2020 |
Noise traffic - daily mean (road only)T
Address, PC6, PC4 (25 meter raster) |
2000, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011 |
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency |
Modeled data with Empara noise tool with 25x25 m resolution on road noise in dB in 2000, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011. Several factors are accounted including traffic intensity, road types and sound barriers. |
Noise traffic - national roadsG (highways) |
Address, PC6 |
2006, 2011 and 2016 |
Rijkswaterstaat |
Separate data available for day and night (noise in Lden) |
OBCT index |
PC4 |
1990 till 2014 (yearly) |
VROM – DG Ruimte/IBIS (SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007) |
Data on offices, retail, and businesses (e.g., number of leased and owned properties and price/m2)
Neighborhood |
2019 |
Kadaster / RDW
Derived from dataset ‘Parking places’. Statistical summaries have been made for the neighborhood borders of 2016. Variables include: total number of parking places, number of parking places per household, number of parking places per hectare, ratio number of cars / number of parking places. |
Address, PC6 1:2.500 – 1:10.000 |
2019 (public/paid parking space) |
Kadaster / RDW |
This dataset is a combination of data from the BGT, TOP10, BAG and RDW. The BAG data for private built-up parking spaces concerns the year 2015, the other data concerns 2019. Data is produced as polygon data and as derived point data. |
PC4 |
1998 till 2014 (yearly) |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) |
Data on population and households (e.g., number of men and women stratified for age, number of households stratified for type, and information on immigrants) |
(component walkability index) |
Address, PC6, PC4, 25 m raster and neighborhood
Yearly from 2000 to 2020* 1995, 1997, 1999 (neighborhood res.)
*Source data for years 2021-2024 available, creation derived variables is planned asap |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Population density as Z-scores or as raw values based on CBS vierkantstatistieken (100x100 meter grid) for the years 2000 until 2020 and CBS buurtstatistieken for the years 1995, 1997 and 1999. This is a component of the Gecco walkability index. The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
PC4 |
2005 |
Postkantoren B.V. (SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007) |
Data on post offices (e.g., number of post offices (per 10000 residents)) |
PC4 / neighbourhood |
2017 (PC4 / neighbourhood level) 2013 (municipality level) |
The Netherlands Institute of Social Research (SCP) |
Percentage of ‘poor’ people according to SCP definitions per postcode 4 area and neighborhood in 2017 |
PC4 |
2001 till 2015 (yearly) |
The Education Executive Agency of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (Real Estate Monitor 2015) |
Data on facilities regarding primary education. (e.g., number of schools and number/percentage of pupils stratified for age and sex) |
Address, PC6 |
2015 (update 2018) |
Geodienst Rijksuniversiteit Data Openbaar Vervoer (NDOV)
This is a point dataset with all public transport stops in the Netherlands (bus, ferry, metro, taxi, tram). Train stations are not part of this dataset. Public transport data is also available via OpenStreetMap, but is less complete. |
Public transport stops densityG (component walkability index) |
Address, PC6 |
2018 |
Geodienst Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / databank Nationale Data Openbaar Vervoer (NDOV)
The PT stop point density as Z-scores or as raw values is calculated over circular buffers with radii of 150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650, 2000, 3000 and 5000 meters. The density is weighted with the number connecting lines per PT stop. Public transport density can be added as an additional component of the Gecco walkability index.
Address, PC6 |
2019 |
Prorail Database – made available
by Esri Nederland Datasets. |
This is a point and line dataset with respectively all railway stations in the Netherlands classified in different station types and the route network of all railways. |
Retail and service destinations (component walkability index) |
Address, PC6, PC4, 25 m raster and neighborhood
1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2020*
*Source data available, creation derived variables is planned asap |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Retail and service destinations density as Z-scores or as raw values based on CBS soilstatistics (BBG bodemgebruiksbestanden). This is a component of the Gecco walkability index. The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
PC4 |
2004 till 2019 (yearly) |
Various exposure measures on retail outlets specific for category of retail (e.g., fastfood outlets, supermarkets, greengrocers) |
Neighbourhood |
2015 |
The (car)road density is derived from the dataset TOP10 NL 2015 (line feature layer WEGDEEL_HARTLIJN). |
Address, PC6 |
2004-2012 (yearly) 2013-current (monthly) |
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management; WEGGEG-bestand RWS
This dataset contains the maximum speed per road section of the national roads |
Address, PC6 |
2016-current (monthly) |
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management; WKD - WegKenmerken Database |
This dataset contains the maximum speed limits per road section of all roads in the NWB (Nationaal WegenBestand) |
PC4 |
2005 till 2015 (yearly) |
The Education Executive Agency of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (Real Estate Monitor 2015) |
Data on facilities regarding secondary education. (e.g., number of schools, and number/percentage of students stratified for sex, age, and educational level) |
(component walkability index) |
Address, PC6, PC4, 25 m raster and neighborhood
1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2012, 2015, 2019 |
Side walk density as Z-scores or as raw values based on Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie (BGT). This is a component of the Gecco walkability index. The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
PC6 |
2008 |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Data on socio-economic status (e.g., high/low incomes, benefits) |
PC4, neighborhood |
PC4: 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2017
Note that SCP stopped producing the SES scores and to fill the resulting data gap CBS developed a new score per neighborhood, which will be (probably) called the WOA score which gives more importance to the social component of the score. This new score will be initially produced for the years 2014-2019 and subsequently on a yearly basis.
The Netherlands Institute of Social Research (SCP) |
Socio-economic status scores from SCP are produced on a PC4 level and are based on: education, income and position in the labor market. A higher score indicates a higher status. Scores can be compared over time and are calculated over a cumulative dataset. On average the statusscore in the Netherlands is zero. |
PC4 |
2004 till 2015 (yearly) |
The Education Executive Agency of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (Real Estate Monitor 2015) |
Data on facilities regarding special education. (e.g., number of schools, and number/percentage of students stratified for sex |
Address, PC6 |
2011-2017 (data collection period) |
Mulier Instituut |
Point data on type and location of sport accommodations |
Address, PC6 Point density radius 500, 1000, 3000 and 5000 m |
2011-2017 (data collection period) |
Mulier Instituut |
Point density sport accommodations in 500, 1000, 3000 and 5000 meter radius and neighbourhood density 1000 meter radius. Prior to the calculation of sport accommoda-tion densities, a selection was made of sports involving significant physical activity. This means that sports such as chess playing, bridge, dog sport and car sport, were removed from the database. |
Neighborhood density 2016 |
PC4 |
2010 till 2015 (yearly) 2006 till 2015 (yearly) 2001 till 2007 (yearly) |
Royal Dutch Athletics Federation (Real Estate Monitor 2015) Voetbalgids.com (Real Estate Monitor 2015) |
Data on sport accommodations, sport associations, and sport facilities (e.g., number of specific sport accommodations, sport associations and sport facilities).
(component walkability index) |
Address, PC6, PC4, 25 m raster and neighborhood |
1989, 1993, 2001, 2003, 2012, 2015, 2019 |
Kadaster / DANS-KNAW
Street connectivity as Z-scores or as raw values based on TOP10 road intersection data. This is a component of the Gecco walkability index. The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
Temperature (daily average, minimum and maximum) |
1x1 km |
1961-current (daily update) |
KNMI (Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut) DataCentrum
This dataset involves grid files of interpolated daily average temperature values for the Netherlands, based on 33-35 KNMI automatic observation stations. Days from 1 October 2017 to 30 June 2018 were processed by Gecco and linked to PC6 centroids. |
Temperature (monthly average, minimum and maximum) |
1x1 km |
2004-2020 Older years / minimum / maximum not yet processed by Gecco
KNMI (Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut) DataCentrum |
Gridded (25x25 m) interpolated (by Gecco) monthly average based on 10 KNMI automatic observation stations, corrected with the temperature difference in the RIVM dataset Stedelijk hitte-eiland effect (UHI). |
Topography (TOP10 NL - Basisregistratie Topografie (BRT)G |
Address, PC6 1:10.000 |
2003, 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2019 |
Vektor data (points, lines, polygons) regarding road and water infrastructure, terrain features, built-up area, etc. Note that specific data on roads is available in the NWB (Nationaal Wegen Bestand) from 1982 onwards. |
Topography – large scale (Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie - BGT)G |
Address, PC6 1:5.000 |
2017, 2019 |
Vector dataset with detailed topographic features, such as sidewalks, parking places, tree locations, street furniture, etc. |
Address, PC6 |
2003 t/m 2017 |
Bestand geRegistreerde Ongevallen
Provided via ESRI Nl datasets |
PC4 |
2011 |
Object Vision B.V.
Data on travel time between all PC4 areas
Urban heat island effect (UHI) G |
Address, PC6 |
2017 |
Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Atlas Leefomgeving (ALO), http://www.atlasleefomgeving.nl
The urban heat island effect (UHI) dataset shows the average yearly temperature difference between areas that are more rural or more urban. The UHI is caused by among others ‘waste heat’ from energy use in densely populated areas and urban elements like roads and buildings that retain the daily heat of especially hot summer days, which prevents cooling off at night. The map shows yearly average temperature differences up to 3 degrees, but in reality differences can be much higher, particular in hot summer periods. The UHI is calculated by the RIVM with the UrbClim model on high resolution (100 – 250 meter) based on a.o. landuse data, vegetation, soil sealing and climate data.
Urbanisation degree GT
Address |
2020 Urbanisation degree can be calculated on request for other BAG years from 2012 onwards |
Urbanization degree as density per km2 of BAG residence addresses (‘omgevings-adressendichtheid - OAD’) in a circular radius of 1000 meter. The same methodology is used as for the urbanisation degree in the CBS key statistical figures, but without summarizing figures to administrative areas. |
Urbanisation degree G
500x500m rastercells and PC4 |
2000 - 2021 |
Urbanization degree per 500 meter grid cell as density per km2 of BAG residence addresses (‘omgevings-adressendichtheid - OAD’) in a circular radius of 1000 meter. |
Address, PC6, PC4, |
1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2020*
*Source data available, creation derived variables is planned asap
VUmc Amsterdam, GECCO project
Composite score based on six or seven components: 1) Population density, 2) Density of retail and service destinations (retail environment), 3) Land-use mix, 4) Street connectivity (intersection density), 5) Green space, 6) Side walk surface area, 7) Public transport density.
The components are summed and normalized to a walkability score (0-100) with higher scores indicating higher walkability. For the years previous to 2015 the seventh component (public transport density) is omitted as it is only valid for the period around 2018.
The walkability score can be calculated with a green space component defined as only urban green space, or alternatively using an extended definition of green space.
The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
* Terms and conditions may apply via the original source holders
T Data available as table data only, converted to GIS data on request
G Data available as GIS data, extracted to table data on request
GT Data available as GIS AND table data
[i] Note that THE ‘SCALE LEVEL’ does not refer to the scale of the original map data but initially to the scale of the cohort data to which the spatial variables are linked, which can be on the individual address level or aggregated PC6, PC4 or neighborhood level. The level of the original map is indicated by the field background color and is, where appropriate, indicated after the slash ( / ). Please refer to the metadata to get more information on the original map scale of the input data.
Air pollution (Escape)T |
Address, PC6 |
2009 |
Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), European Study of Cohort for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE)
Annual average outdoor air pollution concentrations (NO2, NOx, PM2.5, PM10, PM2.5 absorbance and oxidative potential (OP) of PM - esr/dtt) |
Air pollution (Escape)T |
Neighborhood |
2009 |
Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), European Study of Cohort for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE)
Annual average outdoor air pollution concentrations (NO2, NOx, PM2.5, PM10, PM2.5 absorbance) per neighborhood |
Air pollutionG
25x25 m resolution Address, PC6, PC4 |
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (NO2 not for 2013) |
Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Atlas Leefomgeving (ALO), http://www.atlasleefomgeving.nl
Annual average outdoor pollution concentrations modeled / interpolated on the basis of measurement data, traffic data and the physical environment. All data can be viewed in https://www.atlasleefomgeving.nl/kaarten |
Air pollution GCNG
1x1 km resolution Address, PC6, PC4 |
2011, 2021-23 (C6H6) 2011 (CO) 2011 (COP98)
2007-2023 (PM2.5) 1995-2023 (PM10) 2011-2023 (NH3) 1995-2023 (NO2) 2011-2023 (NOx) 2011-2023 (O3) 2011-2023 (SOOT – EC) 2011-2023 (SO2) |
Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). GCN large scaled concentration and deposition maps
Annual average outdoor pollution concentrations based on a combination of model calculations and measurements from official measurement locations. SOOT (EC) maps must be seen as indicative only.
Apart from ‘benzeen’ (C6H6) and ‘koolmonoxide’ (CO) modeled future concentrations of all variables are available for the years 2025 and 2030. |
AccessibilityT as distance to highway exits/entrances and public transport stops (long distance) |
PC6, PC4 |
2010, 2012, 2019, 2021
2009/2010, 2012, 2018/2019 |
TOP10 NL/Kadaster
Prorail/ESRI, Rijks Universiteit Groningen |
Euclidean distance to highway exits/entrances Euclidean distance to long distance transport stops (train, metro) and for 2018 as well ferry |
PC4 |
1998 till 2003 (yearly), 2005 |
ABF Research (SWING
Data on accessibility (e.g., number of jobs and green spaces that can be reached via the road or by train within a certain time (15, 30, 45, 60 minutes) |
PC4 |
2013 |
ABF Research (Real Estate Monitor 2015)
Data on accessibility of population and households (e.g., number of individuals and households that can be reached by bike or by car within a certain time (15, 30,45,60 minutes) |
Altitude (AHN)G |
Address, PC6 (raster 50 cm – 25 m)
Ca. 2000 (AHN 1) Ca. 2010 (AHN 2) Ca. 2018 (AHN 3) |
Cooperation of provinces, central
The altitude map of the Netherlands is a raster product available on different horizontal scale levels ranging from 25 meter resolution (AHN-1) to 50 cm resolution (AHN-3) |
Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen (BAG)G |
Address, PC6 1:2.500 (vector – point/polygon) |
2015, 2018, 2020, 2021 |
Kadaster |
Vector dataset with houses, addresses and attribute data on utilization functions, construction year and area. |
Address, PC6
1:5.000 - 1:10.000 |
2019 |
Kadaster |
Selections from polygons in the BGT and lines in the TOP10 concerning respectively separate bicycle paths (BGT), designated bicyle lanes or mixed roads (TOP10) |
Neighborhood |
2019 (for neighborhood boundaries 2016) |
Landelijk Fietsplatform, Kadaster
This dataset combines bicycle paths from two lines sources (TOP10 and Landelijk fietsplatform) and one polygon input source (BGT). All data is transformed to polygons and summarized as area density per neighborhood. |
Bicycle and walking networksG |
Address, PC6 1:10.000 (vector - line) |
2019 (continuously updated by provider) |
Landelijk Fietsplatform and Wandelnet |
These datasets include cycling and walking routes, networks and transport nodes and are based on TOP10 NL road data. |
PC4 |
2011 till 2015 (yearly) |
National Childcare and
Playgroup Register |
Data on a range of childcare facilities (e.g., number of KDV’s, BSO’s and playgroups) |
PC4 |
2001 till 2007 (yearly) |
Museum Association (SWING Vastgoed-
monitor 2007) Netherlands Theatre Institute
(SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007) Dutch Federation for
(SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007) Adresdata / ABF Research
(Real Estate Monitor 2015) |
Data on a range of cultural facilities (e.g., number of museums, theatres, poppodia and cinema’s) |
PC4 |
1996 till 2007 (yearly) |
Financiën Instellingen (CFI) (SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007) |
Data on educational facilities (e.g., number of educational facilities and number of students stratified for educational level, sex, and age) |
Address, PC6 (in kernel density radii of 500, 1000 and 1500 m)
2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 Densities for other radii or years between 2004 and 2018 can be made on request |
This dataset contains the kernel density of different groups of aggregated of food retailers (local food shops, fast food restaurants, food delivery, restaurants, supermarkets, small grocery/convenience stores and all other food retailers). |
Address, PC6 (in kernel density radii of 500, 1000, 3000 and 5000 m)
2004*, 2006, 2008*, 2010, 2012, 2014*, 2016, 2018 * with additional radii of 3000 and 5000 m. Densities for other radii or years between 2004 and 2018 can be made on request
Kernel density of the total health score of food retailers within different kernel radii (500, 1000, 3000 and 5000 meter) according to the calculated food environment healthiness index (FEHI) for each retailer. The FEHI Index has values between -5 and + 5 according to the FEHI score list developed by Maartje Poelman (Timmermans et al., 2018). |
Neighborhood |
2016 |
Index score (food environment healthiness index) between -5 and + 5 according to FEHI score list by Poelman et al., 2018. The data is aggregated to neighbourhoods using point density kernels to prevent MAUP (Modifiable Areal Unit Problem) issue. |
Green spaceG |
Address, PC6 (10 m raster) |
2017 |
Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Atlas Leefomgeving
(ALO), http://www.atlasleefomgeving.nl |
Different datasets related to green space were assembled by the RIVM on a 10x10 meter resolution expressed as percentage green, trees, shrubs or low vegetation per grid cell and is derived from the AHN2 and AHN3 files (“Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland”, resolution of 0.5 m), the BAG buildings (“Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen”) and the Infrared aerial photo (CIR file, resolution of 0.25 m). |
(component walkability index) |
Address, PC6, PC4, 25 m raster and neighborhood
1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017 |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Greenspace density as Z-scores or as raw values based on CBS soilstatistics (BBG bodemgebruiks-bestanden). This is a component of the Gecco walkability index. The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
PC4 |
2003-2007 (yearly) |
Vestigingen en bedden in de zorg (SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007)
Data on health care facilities (e.g., number of several specific health care facilities) |
House transactions and average house pricesT
PC4 |
2000 till 2015 (yearly)
Kadaster (Real Estate Monitor 2015)
Data on transactions and average house prices (e.g., number of transactions stratified for house type, and average house price stratified for house type) |
PC4 |
1998 till 2006 (yearly) |
Belastingdienst (SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007)
Data on housing benefits (e.g., data on recipients and height/sum of housing benefits) |
PC4 |
1998 till 2007 (yearly) |
ABF Research (SYSWOV 2007)
Data on housing stock. (e.g., number of owner-occupied and rental housing, social rent, and housing stock stratified for house type) |
PC4 |
2009, 2012 |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Data on income (e.g., disposable income, capital and households in PC4 areas) |
100x100 m. |
2011 till 2021 (yearly) 2000 till 2010 |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) |
The CBS dataset vierkantstatistieken 100x100 meter contains basic statistics on number of inhabitants, dwellings, residential density and urbanity for all years and additional statistics from 2011 onwards including densities of and distances to several destination types. Number of available variables in postcode 4 and 6 areas depends of exact year. For older years from 2000 onwards some of the variables are only available on a 500x500 meter level, see e.g. urbanity in this list. |
PC6 |
2004, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2020 (yearly) |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) |
Data on key figures (e.g., demographics, income, immigrants, housing stock)
PC4 |
1998 till 2020 (yearly) |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Data on key figures (sex and age of inhabitants, household composition, % immigrants) with additional statistics from 2015 onwards |
Land useG |
Address, PC6
1:10.000 |
1996, 2000, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017 |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Classification in 9 main land use classes and ca. 40 subclasses. Land use data also exists for 1989, 1993, 2003 and 2006. These datasets can be requested at CBS. |
Land use mix / entropy indexGT (component walkability index) |
Address, PC6, PC4, 25 m raster and neighborhood
1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017 |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Land use mix or entropy index as Z-scores or as raw values based on CBS soilstatistics (BBG bodemgebruiksbestanden). This is a component of the Gecco walkability index. The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
PC4 |
1996 till 2003 (yearly) |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Data on land use (e.g. hectares/percentages of urban/rural land use, green spaces, forests, parks, traffic, public facilities, recreational areas, etc) |
Light emission at night GT |
PC6 (300 m raster) |
2006 (DMSP OLS F16) 2012 (VIIRS) 2015 (VIIRS) 2018 (VIIRS) |
Earth Observations Group (EOG) at NOAA/NCEI via direct data request atlasleefomgeving.nl / RIVM / Netherlands
The 2006 dataset (700 m res.) originates from satellite number F16 from the DMSP-OLS program and is not directly comparable to the VIIRS datasets from 2012 onwards. The 2012-2018 datasets VIIRS Cloud Mask, Version 1 Nighttime Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band (DNB) composites are annual composites (300 m res.) expressing light emission in 10-10 Watt per cm2 per steradian. |
LivabilityT |
100x100 m, PC4, neighbourhood |
19981 2002, 2008, 20101, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022
1only for Leefbaarometer 1.0 |
Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Data on livability (Livability scores in the Leefbaarometer 2.0 are based on ca. 100 factors on population, social cohesion, public space, safety, level of resources, and housing that are aggregated circular buffers around the central postcode 6 areas).
The score is divided in 9 livability classes from 1 (very insufficient) to 9 (excellent). A detailed description of the development of this instrument can be found here.
The years 1998 and 2010 are only available from the previous Leefbaarometer 1.0 with a different indicator set and scores cannot be compared directly to the new version. |
PC4 |
2006, 2015 |
ABF Research (SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007)
Data on area types (e.g., center - urban, outside center, green-urban) |
Neighbourhood characteristicsG
1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Data on neighbourhood characteristics. This concerns data on for example urbanization, population, living, energy consumption, education, labor, income, social security, businesses, motor vehicles, area, land use, average distance to specific facilities / and average number of specific facilities within dedicated travel distances (calculated over the road network) from residence addresses per neighbourhood (available from 2008 onwards). We have also neighborhood maps of 1988, 1993 and 1994, but these lack statistical data. |
Noise railways 2016G |
Address, PC6 |
2016 |
Ministery of I&W
Data only available for ‘hoofdspoornet’ (main railway system) for day and night (noise in Lden) |
Noise Schiphol airport 2016G |
Address, PC6 |
2016 (measurement period |
Ministery of I&W
Separate data available for day and night (noise in Lden) |
Noise traffic - daily mean (mixed road, rail and air)T
Address, PC6, PC4 |
2000, 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2008 |
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Modeled data with Empara noise tool with 25x25 m resolution on traffic noise (mixed road, rail and air traffic noise in dB) in 2000, 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2008. |
Noise mixed cumulative yearly average from roads, rail, air, industry and wind turbines GT |
Address, PC6 |
2011 / 2017 and 2016-2020) |
Atlasleefomgeving.nl / RIVM
request) |
Calculated with the standard method (RMV2012) using the following sources: -mixed road data from 2011 / 2017 -rail traffic data from 2011 / 2016 -aviation data from 2011 / 2016 -industry data from 2008 / index numbers -wind turbines data from 2012 / 2020 |
Noise traffic - daily mean (road only)T
Address, PC6, PC4 (25 meter raster) |
2000, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011 |
PBL Netherlands
Environmental Assessment Agency |
Modeled data with Empara noise tool with 25x25 m resolution on road noise in dB in 2000, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011. Several factors are accounted including traffic intensity, road types and sound barriers. |
Noise traffic - national roadsG (highways) |
Address, PC6 |
2006, 2011 and 2016 |
Rijkswaterstaat |
Separate data available for day and night (noise in Lden) |
PC4 |
1990 till 2014 (yearly) |
(SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007)
Data on offices, retail, and businesses (e.g., number of leased and owned properties and price/m2)
Neighborhood |
2019 |
Kadaster / RDW
Derived from dataset ‘Parking places’. Statistical summaries have been made for the neighborhood borders of 2016. Variables include: total number of parking places, number of parking places per household, number of parking places per hectare, ratio number of cars / number of parking places. |
Address, PC6 1:2.500 – 1:10.000 |
2019 (public/paid parking space) |
Kadaster / RDW |
This dataset is a combination of data from the BGT, TOP10, BAG and RDW. The BAG data for private built-up parking spaces concerns the year 2015, the other data concerns 2019. Data is produced as polygon data and as derived point data. |
PC4 |
1998 till 2014 (yearly) |
Netherlands (CBS) |
Data on population and households (e.g., number of men and women stratified for age, number of households stratified for type, and information on immigrants) |
(component walkability index) |
Address, PC6, PC4, 25 m raster and neighborhood
Yearly from 2000 to 2020 1995, 1997, 1999 (neighborhood res.) |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Population density as Z-scores or as raw values based on CBS vierkantstatistieken (100x100 meter grid) for the years 2000 until 2020 and CBS buurtstatistieken for the years 1995, 1997 and 1999. This is a component of the Gecco walkability index. The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
PC4 |
2005 |
Postkantoren B.V.
(SWING Vastgoedmonitor 2007) |
Data on post offices (e.g., number of post offices (per 10000 residents)) |
PC4 / neighbourhood |
2017 (PC4 / neighbourhood level) 2013 (municipality level) |
The Netherlands
Institute of Social Research (SCP) |
Percentage of ‘poor’ people according to SCP definitions per postcode 4 area and neighborhood in 2017 |
PC4 |
2001 till 2015 (yearly) |
The Education
Executive Agency of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (Real Estate Monitor 2015) |
Data on facilities regarding primary education. (e.g., number of schools and number/percentage of pupils stratified for age and sex) |
Address, PC6 |
2015 (update 2018) |
Geodienst Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / databank Nationale Data Openbaar Vervoer (NDOV)
This is a point dataset with all public transport stops in the Netherlands (bus, ferry, metro, taxi, tram). Train stations are not part of this dataset. Public transport data is also available via OpenStreetMap, but is less complete. |
Public transport stops densityG (component walkability index) |
2018 |
Geodienst Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / databank Nationale Data Openbaar Vervoer (NDOV)
The PT stop point density as Z-scores or as raw values is calculated over circular buffers with radii of 150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650, 2000, 3000 and 5000 meters. The density is weighted with the number connecting lines per PT stop. Public transport density can be added as an additional component of the Gecco walkability index.
Address, PC6 |
2019 |
Prorail Database – made available by Esri Nederland Datasets. |
This is a point and line dataset with respectively all railway stations in the Netherlands classified in different station types and the route network of all railways. |
Retail and service
destinations (component walkability index) |
Address, PC6, PC4, 25 m raster and neighborhood
1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017 |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Retail and service destinations density as Z-scores or as raw values based on CBS soilstatistics (BBG bodemgebruiksbestanden). This is a component of the Gecco walkability index. The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
PC4 |
2004 till 2019 (yearly) |
Various exposure measures on retail outlets specific for category of retail (e.g., fastfood outlets, supermarkets, greengrocers) |
Neighbourhood |
2015 |
The (car)road density is derived from the dataset TOP10 NL 2015 (line feature layer WEGDEEL_HARTLIJN). |
Address, PC6 |
2004-2012 (yearly) 2013-current (monthly) |
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management; WEGGEG-bestand RWS
This dataset contains the maximum speed per road section of the national roads |
Address, PC6 |
2016-current (monthly) |
Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management; WKD - WegKenmerken Database |
This dataset contains the maximum speed limits per road section of all roads in the NWB (Nationaal WegenBestand) |
PC4 |
2005 till 2015 (yearly) |
The Education Executive Agency of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (Real
Estate Monitor 2015) |
Data on facilities regarding secondary education. (e.g., number of schools, and number/percentage of students stratified for sex, age, and educational level) |
(component walkability index) |
Address, PC6, PC4, 25 m raster and neighborhood
1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2012, 2015, 2019 |
Side walk density as Z-scores or as raw values based on Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie (BGT). This is a component of the Gecco walkability index. The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
PC6 |
2008 |
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Data on socio-economic status (e.g., high/low incomes, benefits) |
PC4, neighborhood |
PC4: 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2017
Note that SCP stopped producing the SES scores and to fill the resulting data gap CBS developed a new score per neighborhood, which will be (probably) called the WOA score which gives more importance to the social component of the score. This new score will be initially produced for the years 2014-2019 and subsequently on a yearly basis.
The Netherlands Institute of Social Research (SCP) |
Socio-economic status scores from SCP are produced on a PC4 level and are based on: education, income and position in the labor market. A higher score indicates a higher status. Scores can be compared over time and are calculated over a cumulative dataset. On average the statusscore in the Netherlands is zero. |
PC4 |
2004 till 2015 (yearly) |
The Education Executive Agency of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (Real
Estate Monitor 2015) |
Data on facilities regarding special education. (e.g., number of schools, and number/percentage of students stratified for sex |
Address, PC6 |
2011-2017 (data collection period) |
Mulier Instituut |
Point data on type and location of sport accommodations |
Address, PC6 Point density radius 500, 1000, 3000 and 5000 m |
2011-2017 (data collection period) |
Mulier Instituut |
Point density sport accommodations in 500, 1000, 3000 and 5000 meter radius and neighbourhood density 1000 meter radius. Prior to the calculation of sport accommoda-tion densities, a selection was made of sports involving significant physical activity. This means that sports such as chess playing, bridge, dog sport and car sport, were removed from the database. |
Neighborhood density 2016 |
PC4 |
2010 till 2015 (yearly) 2006 till 2015 (yearly) 2001 till 2007 (yearly) |
Royal Dutch Athletics Federation (Real Estate Monitor 2015) Voetbalgids.com (Real Estate
Monitor 2015) |
Data on sport accommodations, sport associations, and sport facilities (e.g., number of specific sport accommodations, sport associations and sport facilities).
(component walkability index) |
Address, PC6, PC4, 25 m raster and neighborhood |
1989, 1993, 2001, 2003, 2012, 2015, 2019 |
Kadaster / DANS-KNAW
Street connectivity as Z-scores or as raw values based on TOP10 road intersection data. This is a component of the Gecco walkability index. The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
Temperature (daily average, minimum and maximum) |
1x1 km |
1961-current (daily update) |
KNMI (Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut) DataCentrum
This dataset involves grid files of interpolated daily average temperature values for the Netherlands, based on 33-35 KNMI automatic observation stations. Days from 1 October 2017 to 30 June 2018 were processed by Gecco and linked to PC6 centroids. |
Temperature (monthly average, minimum and maximum) |
1x1 km |
2004-2020 Older years / minimum / maximum not yet processed by Gecco
KNMI (Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut) DataCentrum |
Gridded (25x25 m) interpolated (by Gecco) monthly average based on 10 KNMI automatic observation stations, corrected with the temperature difference in the RIVM dataset Stedelijk hitte-eiland effect (UHI). |
Topography (TOP10 NL - Basisregistratie Topografie (BRT)G |
Address, PC6 1:10.000 |
2003, 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2019 |
Vektor data (points, lines, polygons) regarding road and water infrastructure, terrain features, built-up area, etc. Note that specific data on roads is available in the NWB (Nationaal Wegen Bestand) from 1982 onwards. |
Topography – large scale (Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie - BGT)G |
Address, PC6 1:5.000 |
2017, 2019 |
Vector dataset with detailed topographic features, such as sidewalks, parking places, tree locations, street furniture, etc. |
Address, PC6 |
2003 t/m 2017 |
Bestand geRegistreerde Ongevallen
Provided via ESRI Nl datasets |
PC4 |
2011 |
Object Vision B.V.
Data on travel time between all PC4 areas
Urban heat island effect (UHI) G |
Address, PC6 |
2017 |
Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Atlas Leefomgeving (ALO), http://www.atlasleefomgeving.nl
The urban heat island effect (UHI) dataset shows the average yearly temperature difference between areas that are more rural or more urban. The UHI is caused by among others ‘waste heat’ from energy use in densely populated areas and urban elements like roads and buildings that retain the daily heat of especially hot summer days, which prevents cooling off at night. The map shows yearly average temperature differences up to 3 degrees, but in reality differences can be much higher, particular in hot summer periods. The UHI is calculated by the RIVM with the UrbClim model on high resolution (100 – 250 meter) based on a.o. landuse data, vegetation, soil sealing and climate data.
Urbanisation degree GT
Address |
2020 Urbanisation degree can be calculated on request for other BAG years from 2012 onwards |
Urbanization degree as density per km2 of BAG residence addresses (‘omgevings-adressendichtheid - OAD’) in a circular radius of 1000 meter. The same methodology is used as for the urbanisation degree in the CBS key statistical figures, but without summarizing figures to administrative areas. |
Urbanisation degree G
500x500m rastercells and PC4 |
2000 - 2021 |
Urbanization degree per 500 meter grid cell as density per km2 of BAG residence addresses (‘omgevings-adressendichtheid - OAD’) in a circular radius of 1000 meter. |
Address, PC6, PC4, |
1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017
VUmc Amsterdam, GECCO project
Composite score based on seven components: 1) Population density, 2) Density of retail and service destinations (retail environment), 3) Land-use mix, 4) Street connectivity (intersection density), 5) Green space, 6) Side walk surface area, 7) Public transport density.
The components are summed and normalized to a walkability score (0-100) with higher scores indicating higher walkability.
The address level data is produced for 8 different neighborhood radii (150-, 250-, 350-, 500-, 750-, 1000-, 1650 and 2000 meter). |
* Terms and conditions may apply via the original source holders
T Data available as table data only, converted to GIS data on request
G Data available as GIS data, extracted to table data on request
GT Data available as GIS AND table data
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